Help! My Short Story is Stuck

Writer’s block has trapped me

Katrina D.
3 min readDec 15, 2021

The original plan

Back in September, I started writing a story on Medium with the working title “The Closed Door”. I intended to create one chapter each week, all on the fly, to add spontaneity to my writing. My unfinished draft would be published, my rough and unpolished soul shown to the world. I hoped to lure readers back for more as the story progressed. By Christmas, there were supposed to be around ten chapters.

This did not happen.

I became swamped with work, and life hit me in all the right places, pulling me away from my writing. Once a week became once every two weeks, and then when I finally found the time to write … my mind did not want to create!

I am stuck on four published chapters, and for the life of me, I cannot decide what should happen next.

How I feel trying to create chapter 5! (Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash)

The story so far


If you have not read my series The Closed door yet, stop! Below are the first four chapters:



Katrina D.

Dancer. Writer. California-grown. I find myself happiest when creating something out of nothing.